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Why We Deliver

Protecting our planet is one of our three key priorities

Effective Action Plan

We have an action plan for timebound measurable carbon reduction targets.

Sustainable Materials

Our policy is to purchase materials from sustainable sources such as timbers from sustainable forestry and we actively seek to reduce unwanted packaging from our deliveries.

Local Suppliers

We buy locally and use local suppliers for all purchases.

Energy Efficient

We have installed energy efficient heating in our own premises and champion environmentally friendly insulation and heating.

WEE Compliant

We are compliant with WEE regulations safely disposing and recycling all product.

Eco Friendly

We use electric vehicles where possible, have fitted energy efficient heaters in our office and advise local authorities, housing associations and tenants on energy saving measures.

Cutting Down Waste

We segregate and monitor waste and measure the percentage diverted from landfill.

Smart Water Solutions

We use water butts to collect rainwater, water saving taps, amended toilet flushers.

Responsible Training

We train staff in sustainable methods of construction.


We employ local people where we operate to reduce travel.